Sorknes Art

"The fact that no one understands you doesn't make you an artist" Sketches, art in progress, finished art and thoughts about it all.

Saturday 4 June 2011

So, I've decided to join CGHUB & Imagine FX Bobby Chiu's Fairytales Re-Imagined 2D & 3D Art Challenge ...

Here's what I've posted so far...  Hoping to do more this weekend.

"After doing some sketches and such last evening after thinking for a couple of days, doing a lot of "clever" ideas transforming fairy tales, the only thing that really had any potential this morning was Snow White and Rose Red under water, so that's what I'm doing.

So, a quickie to get the idea down properly before going to bed... I'll see if I can't manage to do this in some way or another. "

"I was trying several times after this for a more dynamic pose, then I went for the symbolic ones... But so far I've ditched them all. This is what I'm currently doing... Don't have that much time to draw these days, so I better nail something soon....

This evenings work so far. Never mind the all brown approach... Colours and I don't go that well together, so I'm working in brown first to see where I can push before encountering my nemesis...."

"Durr. Had to try colours before bed. I'll look at it again tomorrow and see what I do..."

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